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My 2023 Vision Board

How I used it, what I did and did not achieve

2024. január 05. - kicsinyvilág

So, this was originally only gonna be an Instagram post caption, but I could not write everything I wanted in that character limitation so here I am sharing an updated version of that.

About 10 months ago I created a vision board.

I’m not the type who believes in manifestation so for me it was mainly about sudden realisations of certain goals I had achieved, unconsciously. I’m sharing my last year’s vision board here with you guys while creating a new one for the year. I will even explain some details and dreams that have already or yet to come true.


1. Last March when creating this board I never even dreamt that I could ever wear my shirts tucked in, but only a few months later I started doing so! (So it is a small segment of weight loss but you guys see how my ultimate goal was never weight loss but like here, to dress a certain way. It meant I needed to loose belly fat of course but my focus was on something else.)

2. I hoped to get a raise and I did. It came later than expected and because of the inflation was just enough to keep my life going, also not as much as I hoped for but I did get bonuses twice, thanks to a lot of hard work and extra dedication that I showed at my work place

3. I didn’t watch my diet as consciously as I hoped but it was way better than a few years before so that’s a 50-50. I did try to concentrate a lot on fiber-intake, so that is definitely a plus.

4. I did get my first (and maybe last) tattoo done and I am extremely proud of myself because the whole action itself represents my decision making as an individual, in my personal life as well as in my professional life. Even if there is a chance of it not being what I hoped for, I am the one who made a decision and I have to bear the consequences. And I am happy about that.

5. I did buy my first ever bodycon dress and wore it proudly and looked amazing (again, weight loss goals hit unintentionally) Though my weight is still over the healthy bar, I am getting there, step by step and now I am not even scared of writing down those numbers anymore.

6. I did maintain a mindset of being purposefully created by God and He has been so so good to me, keeping my heart and mind flowing according to what’s best for me

About some of the rest:

- In the middle of the year I did hit a financial pitch, not even having enough money to get by, having to ask for credit, but just 2 months later I got my first bonus and it was enough not only to keep me on track but to start school (that I eventually quit) and help others with the little money I have.

-I haven’t traveled to anywhere (other than my annual Germany trip by bus), not even dreamt of it really to be honest, but someday maybe I’ll be ready for it. I just pray for a heart to even wish it could come true.

-I haven’t found the love of my life but I went on dates with 2 guys so I got experience and for the first time in my life, I put myself out there. It also helped me realise what I truly want for myself in this area of life, so I would not feel so much that I missed out on something. It helped me realise that I am better than I was told I am and that God has made a promise for me long before.

- I haven’t moved to my own place yet, but I’ve learnt the true meaning of home and family and settled for what I need right now at the moment. We will see what the future holds, but for now I want to stay contant in what is best for my mental, physical and spiritual growth.


The way I have been using my vision board is really simple. I just set it as my desktop cover. I made a version for my phone as well.

I wish you all a wonderful 2024, may the odds ever be in your favour!

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